Psych 101 according to Sapph!
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My IN-sites to IN-sanity

Who else can claim they have the answer to are one~eyed, one~horned flying purple people eaters purple or do they eat purple people??

It's not the voices I hear IN my head that scares me. It's the voices I hear IN your head that scare me.

 On a little more serious level:
I am starting my own Gore scheme to see if I can get rich and/or famous. Mine even has more realistic scientific proof. I say that the earth is off its axle and we are going to experience more and more extreme wierd weather patterns such as the Hurricane Ivan,  and tsunami's because we get so much oil from the middle east and not enough is being taken out of this side of the earth to balance things out. The Bible does say that in the end times we will have increased earthquakes and other weather conditions in diverse places (meaning places that have never experienced them before). 


Now back to the meaningless ramblings from my crazimind.

sapph's INsane in the membrane page Where you get someone elses two cent's worth that ain't worth a plug nickel --A penny for your thoughts.

 I have come to the conclusion you are in grand delusion with your conclusion!


Do you stereo type...............


OR do people stereotype themselves?