your soul dna
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If you are leary of numerology please read my statement at bottom.

I only do birth name/birth date because it does seem to show exactly WHO a person is below explains why I do not do more

Basic number meanings

1 Born leader. You insist on making up your own mind. Freedom of thought & action. Drive & determination. Nothing stands in your way. You assume responsibility to be provider & protector for loved ones. You demand respect and are domineering when things do not go your way. You want commanding role; not supportive. You are creative, original & have a unique touch for the unusual. You have the courage to take the path less taken. You can be impatient with shortcomings.

2 You are the peacemaker. Extremely sensitive, perceptive and a bit shy. These are your strengths & your weaknesses. You are diplomatic and tactful. You intuitively know what people want and feel. You work well with a group and create harmony among diversity. You require a harmonious environment & have a fine sense of balance & rhythm. You need to learn to use your inner power in conflict.

3. You possess a great talent for creativity & self expression. Many writers, poers, entertainers & artists are a life path 3. You are witty & possesss the gift of gab & love the limelight. You easily squander your talent. You are resilient & optimistic & overcome many setbacks. You have a happy go lucky attitude. You can be generous to a fault. You can tend to be sarcastic. Your talent can be an uplifting inspiration to others.

4 You are traditional, practical, down to earth with strong ideas about right & wrong. You are orderly & systematic & controlled. You are decisive & methodical with a step by step approach to problems. Once committed you do not give up. Justice & honor are sacred to you. You are not one for get rich quick schemes, rather effort & perserverance. You are loyal, reliable & dependable. You can be rigid in your ways. You need to cultivate flexibility. You handle money carefully & like the security of a nest egg. Anything that upsets your sense of order can be a shattering experience for you. You are a builder of foundation.

5 The key to your personality is freedom. You love travel, adventure, variety & meeting new people. You possess the curiousity of a cat & long to experience ALL life. You love being involved at several things at the same time as long as you are not tied down. You make friends easily & are upbeat often inspiring people from all walks of life. You have an uncanny way with words & motivating people. You can do well in any profession that requires communication skills. You can lack discipline & order ending up doing impulsive things. If you are not disciplined you could end up in addictions. You are often a late bloomer. Once you find your niche the sky is the limit.

6 You possess great compassion & seek to be of help to others. You care about the weak & downtrodden. You are a healer, comforter & helper. You need to develop the ability to help rather than just being a sympathetic ear or a shoulder to cry on. The balance to counsel, yet not an enabler, leaving the struggle for others to learn from experience. You are naturally balanced. It is your nature to take on responsibility & fill the void. At times you feel overwhelmed. It is tempting to want to save the world. You are talented & blessed & excel at many things.

7 You are a seeker of truth. You have a compelling sense of your spiritual self. Your life is devoted to investigating the unknown & finding answers to mysteries. You are well equipped to handle your task. You have a fine mind & are an analytical thinker capable of great insight. You enjoy research & putting pieces of a puzzle together. Highley creative, practical & insightful solutions to problems. You prefer solitude to contemplate without intrusion. When violated you can become frustrated. You can be the life of the party. But you have distinct limits.

8 You are gifted with a natural leadership & ability to accumulate great riches. You have talent for management in all aewas of life, especially business & finance. You intuitively understand the material world. You are a visionary & a bit reckless. You have the ability to inspire others to join in your quest. Your challenge is to understand that power & influence must be used for the benefit of others. Otherwise you are likely to squander & suffer the consequences of greed. Understanding the value of money is important. It is not uncommon for you to suffer financial loss but you have the talent to have built many successful enterprises. You are a good judge in character which helps you attract the right people to you.

9 You are a humanitarian, philanthropist & deeply concerned about the state of the world. You have compassion & are an idealist. You sacrife your time, energy & money for a better world. You have a broad outlook on life. You tend to see the big picture rather than the minute details. You are not prejudice. You are imaginative & creative. You tend to be disappointed with the realities of life which drives you. You are a dreamer & the material world is not what you are drawn to.

For lifepath number reduce each letter in your full birth name to numbers add and reduce again. Then add the digits in your birthdate.


1 = A J S

2 = B K T

3 = C L U

4 = D M V

5 = E N W

6 = F O X

7 = G P Y

8 = H Q Z

9 = I R

Add total double digit together and reduce to single digit. 48=4+8=12=1+2=3

Then add birthdate 3/25/1955= 3+2+5+1+9+5+5=30=3+0=3

Add the two 3's together =6

Soul/Expression # =ALL vowels in name

Personality # =ALL consonants in name


OR simply fill out form below.


(Free numerology reading provided by Affinity)

I can do an in depth profile using name and birthdate. The above is from another site. IF I could I would prefer to make my own chart form so it didn't include some of the Karma and astrology stuff, but don't know how to do the form type format.

While I believe there is something to numerology as far as your birth name and date. I do not get into astrology, tarot cards, new age and other types of things because I believe God forbid it for a reason (Deut. 18) He wants us to look to him for the future not the stars or signs and omens etc....

I also only do the lifepath, soul urge, personality, related directly to name and birthdate since I do not want to cross the line with the karmic numbers and some others.

I enjoy doing numerology profiles because it can tell you more about yourself than you realize; which can be most helpful for personal growth and direction. Often when a person does not 'live up' to their number it is because of the *baggage* they accumulated through the years. Doing your numerology profile can be a step in going back in touch with our inner self and getting on the right track.
I prayed for years for God to give me discernment and show me what was okay and what was crossing the line in the spiritual realm because I wanted to KNOW the difference between everything from church prophecy and predictions to Paul's visions (Acts 16:6) and Peter's trance (Acts 10:10), or where the Bible talks about being translated into heaven (2 Corinthians 12:2) as opposed to the occult visions, trances and astroprojection. God showed me that not only man is made from the dust but everything on the earth shares the same DNA from the dust, to man and everything that is. God took the invisible to create the things that are seen. Not only is our hair numbered by strand but each strand has the DNA code which is made up of many numbers. He says in his word he KNEW us before we were concieved. I believe he also knew our name and birthdate before then as well and it stands to reason that he holds our name and birthdate in a code as well as everything in the universe. The problem is when we turn to 'things' to show us the future rather than trusting in God.

Acts 2:17 "In the last days, God says, I will pour out my spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophecy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams".

Just some of what God has shown me personally. God has taken me from having more trials and burdens than most people to know what it means to be free in HIS meaning of the word, casting our cares on Him, praying without ceasing, and giving thanks in all things. Even when I was *in the valley* I was able to give thanks in all things knowing He was using it for the good to teach me so I could use what I learned to His glory. It is still kind of hard at times because I want to do so much but still feel so limited in some areas. Appreciating the little things you can do for others to enrich their lives can mean more than all the riches in the world. So while many people THINK I have a curse because I am poor I know I am blessed because I have my kids, good health, direction, blessings and look forward to what God has in store for me to bless others.

Through the years he has shown me that many people are complacently following the mainstream like sheep and when asked what they think about things it is the rethoric they have heard from whichever side of the issue they agree with. People are bogged down in their spirit because they are complacent followers, they have poor diets, poor health and unyielding to follow after the spirit rather than the flesh and the things of the world. Often many people say they don't care because it doesn't effect them personally so they will sit there in their Burka lounger without a care until they are told THEY have to wear a Burka. Then even when it does effect them personally they are still stubborn and go blindly down man's path and tradition rather than turning to God for the answers.

Many people's attitude is 'Let somebody else take care of it' 'I don't want to give because it doesn't make it to the poor children' All they worry about are things like their shopping list for their next trip to Wal Mart or how many hours of work they have to do to afford a bigger and better new and improved computer or video game. I am watching for the day to come to see what it takes for America wakes up.